How is Woundclot Different from Chitosan-Based Haemostatics

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WoundClot: The Advanced Chitosan-based Haemostatic Solution

Chitosan-based Haemostatics: An Overview

Chitosan-based haemostatics consist of a non-resorbable, non-woven fiber infused with chitosan, an active ingredient derived from the hard outer skeleton of shellfish such as crab, lobster, and shrimp. These products primarily operate through a single mechanism of action, which involves attracting negatively charged red blood cells using its positively charged ingredients.

WoundClot: Unleashing Multiple Mechanisms of Action

WoundClot sets itself apart by employing a range of mechanisms to promote effective haemostasis:

  • Rapid Fluid Absorption: WoundClot swiftly absorbs fluids within the wound area.
  • Adherence and Expansion: WoundClot adheres to the wound surface and expands, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • Aggregation of Platelets, Red Blood Cells, and Clotting Factors: WoundClot facilitates the aggregation of platelets, red blood cells, and clotting factors, fostering an optimal environment for clot formation.
  • Activation of Key Clotting Factors: WoundClot activates the two key clotting factors, further enhancing the clotting process.

Prolonged Absorbency and Efficiency

WoundClot exhibits exceptional absorbency and lasting effectiveness:

With its active absorbency enduring for up to 24 hours, WoundClot remains efficient throughout the wound healing process.

With its diverse mechanisms of action and sustained absorbency, WoundClot represents a cutting-edge advancement in the realm of haemostatic solutions.